Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Beat the Hell Outta New Year's Resolutions Week

Ten years, ten weeks, and ten days ago was the first day of Beat the Hell Outta Violence Week. The week after, naturally, was Beat the Hell Outta Profanity Week. The Beat the Hell Weeks continued as something of a minimalistic proto-blog. Over time, I began neglecting this smallest of chores, and many recorded weeks' memories are hazy or lost.

So here I vow — not for the first time, likely not the last — to resume the Weeks in this new-fangled blog doohickey, with maybe a little more detail. The difficult part, as always, is having at least one mildly interesting thing happen every seven days this year. Fortunately, this counts as the first.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

im laughing right now. i just wanted to tell you that. ill all over beat the hell outta __________. stupid people come to mind first..